Breaking Free: Building Your Own Platform and Living Boldly
Some thoughts about the power of your surroundings, making bold choices and breaking free from conventional mindsets.
Ever paused to ask yourself this question? "Who are you?" It’s a simple yet profound question that can reveal a lot about your current state of mind and lifestyle. For added effect, have a trusted friend or loved one ask you that question over and over again, until you run out of answers (or start crying, whichever comes first). Chances are you’ll uncover some real truths about yourself.
Where Are You Today?
After you look inside, look around. Where are you right now? Who are you spending most of your time with? Take a moment to list the five people you interact with the most on a daily basis. There's a popular saying that you become the average of those five people. Choose wisely.
I spent years trying to juggle a corporate 9-5 job while keeping my passion projects—my own platform—under the radar. Shifting away from that mindset has been a work in progress, but I've made a promise to myself to be bolder and more direct in pursuing my passions. It’s not as much about “9-5” (or “5-9”, as per my other post), as it is about finding meaning in how you spend your days.
The Influence of Your Circle
Sometimes, changing your life means surrounding yourself with a brand new set of people. For example, I’ve been giving travel advice for free long before my first book1 came out. When it became a bestseller, the number of inquiries from friends and acquaintances skyrocketed. While I enjoyed helping people (for free), I realized I was underselling the value of my Travel Revolution program. This program offers practical insights and best practices using real-life examples from my travels—something I couldn't convey fully through casual conversations or quick texts.
By not advocating for something I created and believed in, I was doing a disservice to myself and others.
Your story holds the power to help someone going through similar experiences, so keeping your story to yourself prolongs unnecessary suffering.
That’s why I work with my students to build their personal brands and platforms, encouraging them to create something of their own.2
The grass is always greener on the other side. No matter your current situation—whether you're an employee or an entrepreneur—your environment should support and celebrate your unique contributions. Don’t waste your potential by merely participating in somebody else's platform. Create your own.
One of my newer courses, the Break Free Xperience, talks more about the circles of influence we all have in our lives, and how to improve them when needed.
Authentic Connections Over Popularity
Unlike most, I'm not aiming to win the popularity contest on social media. I value genuine connections made the old-fashioned way—through direct, meaningful interactions. If my content doesn't resonate with you, you can easily opt out of my emails, but please don’t: I hope you stick around and find value in what I share.
My philosophy, shared in my books, revolves around living freely through travel, work, and love. Ultimate freedom means designing a lifestyle of wealth, health, and abundance without concessions. My books are for those who don’t want a conventional life but dare to choose excitement, joy, and abundance.
Happiness isn’t a destination; it’s the way you travel.
Cultivating freedom is a process, and the journey begins with the first step. Keep looking for opportunities to add value to your life. Adding positive elements can transform your life just as it has mine.
Your journey started with that initial step—keep going.
My first book was The Freedom Project Travel. The Freedom Project shows a new approach to travel as a lifestyle. Travel has countless benefits to all areas of life, and they are available to everyone. This book is the liberating blueprint for finding freedom and happiness in your traveling life.
To find out more about the online courses I’ve created, feel free to visit Liberty Training Academy. Yes, this post contains a few course links, and I welcome you to preview any of them for free.