Getting Started On Writing Your Book: The Ultimate Letter to Yourself (and the World)
How to Turn Your Life Story into a Book That Changes Lives—Including Your Own
Have you ever thought about writing a book? Not just any book, but your story—one that could inspire, teach, and transform others. That may feel like a tall order, but bear with me. We all have a story to share. Something that you’ve been through that you know may benefit someone else. You may have already felt that call to share what you’ve learned, and maybe you’ve even thought about writing a book.
But where do you start? The idea of getting it all down on paper may seem overwhelming. Especially that first page is hard to overcome.
Here's the truth: writing a book isn’t just about putting words on a page; it’s about creating a meaningful legacy.
And the idea of your book now having to be a “legacy”, may even add to the stress. But whether you’re writing a letter to your future self or gifting others with your hard-earned wisdom, writing your life story can be the most powerful act of service you ever undertake.
A letter to your future self
Writing a book is more than just putting words on paper—it's the ultimate letter to yourself, a timeless message that can benefit both your readers and future generations. Whether or not you believe in reincarnation, imagine writing something so meaningful that even you could benefit from reading it again in a future life.
A book is a gift you give to others, something you've learned, experienced, or discovered that needs to be shared. Being of service isn’t about how much you know (and keep to yourself); it’s about what you choose to share. The book you’ll write has the power to change someone’s life for the better. It doesn’t have to be the whole book (we’re not looking to replicate Shakespeare here).
A single sentence, or maybe just one word in the book you’ll write, could change someone’s life forever.
The catch? You won’t know which sentence or word it will be until you’ve written the entire book.
Writing Isn't Enough—Your Book Needs Structure
Good books aren’t just written; they’re structured. A lot of aspiring authors I’ve worked with make the mistake of thinking that writing is the only step to creating a successful book.1 But the truth is, even the most powerful story can fall flat without the right framework. Structure gives your book purpose, flow, and impact.
Writing is also where many budding authors get stuck: writer’s block. The myth that you’ll eventually hit a mental wall can stop people from ever finishing their manuscript. I’ve helped so many authors who had a half-written manuscript somewhere, but never figured out how to finish the whole thing. Let me assure you—writer’s block doesn’t exist if you structure your book following the right system. All you need is a roadmap for your story, one that allows you to organize your thoughts, experiences, and insights into a cohesive narrative.
Once you have that structure in place, the rest of the process becomes much easier. You can do a “brain dump” of everything you have—half-written drafts, notes, ideas—and plot them into the right spot your framework. That’s where the real magic happens.
Getting Your Story on Paper
Even if you’ve started your manuscript or already published something, it’s never too late to give your story the attention and structure it deserves. Maybe you’ve self-published and ended up with a garage (or basement) full of books. Or maybe you’re just starting out, with a powerful story but no idea how to organize it into a successful book.
No need to reinvent the wheel. You don’t need to be the next Shakespeare or Hemingway. Your story is yours, and it will change lives. But to do that, it needs the right shape and structure.
That’s where I can help. My program, "Write a Book in a Week", is designed to get your story out of your head and down onto paper—and into a structure that can turn your book into a potential bestseller. I provide the framework, the guidance, and the support to help you go from idea to completion faster than you thought possible.
If you’re ready to give your story the platform it deserves, it’s time to get started. Preview the updated version of "Write a Book in a Week" and join a community of authors who are changing lives—starting with their own. Your book could be next.
Start your preview today, and let’s begin your author journey!
Further Reading
Most writers actually need to read more first. Do your research. Reading provides you with knowledge, and helps you develop your own style. It helps you figure out what and how you want to write, and create a unique contribution. Too many books are published every day that add nothing new. Be you, be unique.