The World Needs More You: An Open Invitation To Be Boldly Yourself
This is not another post talking about being your authentic self. Instead, let's do something new.
This is not another post about being your authentic self, I promise. There’s more posts written by wanna-be-coaches who, with the best of intentions, would love to show you another system to follow. Success-in-a-can.
In exploring this new version of Living by Experience, I had to reset a few of my own beliefs about what this blog has become. More importantly, I had to un-learn a few behaviours and ideas that I picked up on along the way from some of the gurus and mentors, who, with the best of intentions, like to create canned individuals that think and talk alike. Scary.
But that also means I had to unlearn some of the things I’ve been advocating, teaching even, in some of my classes (yes, with the best of intentions). So let’s take a few steps back, un-can all of that and see where we are you today?
Designing your environment
What five people do you spend most of your time with on a daily basis? You’ll become the average of those five, so choose them wisely. It took me a long time to shake my “corporate” mindset of 9-5 and trying to keep my own platform on the down-low. Some days this is still a work in progress, but overall I’ve promised myself to be much bolder and more direct going forward.
For example - I’ve been giving travel advice for free even before my first book came out. When that book became a bestseller the travel inquiries from friends and acquaintances went up. Which was cool, as I enjoy helping people. But I never even dared mentioning my Travel Revolution program, which takes everything from the book and puts in into practice using screenshots from my own travel accounts. Crazy, right?
Joining that program would have really helped many of my question-askers, as I simply cannot share hours of best practices in a few text messages or over a couple of drinks...
Stop participating in somebody else’s platform
By not asking and talking about something I had created that I stand behind, I was doing everyone, myself included, a disservice. As I tell some budding authors: your story has the power to help somebody else, who’s going through a similar experience today than the one you have already lived through. By not sharing your story and keeping it to yourself, you’re not allowing them to learn and as such you’re creating or prolonging at least some level of unnecessary suffering.
That’s what I work on with most of my students in the online training programs I’ve developed. Building something that’s your own. Focusing on your personal brand. It doesn’t matter whether you’re an employee today or already have started a business that you would like to see grow to the next level. Add something new. Stop participating in somebody else’s platform and create your own. No matter where you are today, your environment (and that includes the people you surround yourself with) should encourage the fact you’re doing something different and adding something new to the mix.
Join the conversation
Some questions to get a conversation started. Feel free to text me, comment, or just ponder these questions in private. 😊
What learned behaviours may not serve you anymore?
What life advice would you share to the benefit of others?
What book would you write?
What’s one new thing you could add to your life, today?