My ode to Canada, for cage free humans everywhere
It all began in 2008, I was 26 at the time. Young, green, and very naive. I knew I wanted something different. Not because the life I had in Europe was so bad. It was pretty great, actually. The ability to just get in a car and drive to Paris is one of the many great perks of living in the hustle and bustle of West Europe. But my sense of adventure kicked in, and I wanted a change of scenery. Well, if you’re looking for scenery, Canada is definitely a place to consider.
And I did. Six years ago I left behind everything familiar to me. I moved across the Atlantic Ocean to start a new life in Canada. I adopted Calgary as my new home base. Shortly after getting my feet on the ground I bought a motorcycle, to explore Western Canada in style.
Canada has been called one of the most beautiful countries on earth, and I would have to agree. I fell in love with the exceptional things I saw and the remarkable people who crossed my path. Spending hundreds of hours on the road collecting images for this book has changed me. Photographing the stunning beauty of this country has made me feel more inspired than ever before. I’ve had close encounters with bears, roamed mountain roads lead by a pack of wolves, and I found many other little tiny wonders of nature. A View to Take Home is a celebration of life in Canada, in all it’s forms.
Today, I want to invite you to ride along with me as I explore the awe-inspiring beauty of Western Canadian provinces Alberta and British Columbia. Learn more about my journey and watch the video at This book has been about six years in the making, and it’s been a journey in itself making that dream come true.
The book is now available through and in stock at Amazon. Books are shipped within 1-2 days and make a great Holiday gift.